Mads Singers Management Podcast
Learn from dedicated entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts who have been in your shoes, effectively managing people, successfully growing businesses, and helping others do the same!

Hi! I am Mads Singers, your podcast host People Management Coach, and Consultant.
My management philosophy is based on a simple and unique premise:
Treat everyone as an individual and put the right individuals into the right box.
Doing this makes the rest of the management process that much easier.
Get better results by learning the “hacks” from the best and learn actionable steps to apply to your business and personal life!
New episodes are published every Wednesday at 9 AM EST.
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Full Podcast Episodes
MARCH 2023
- MSMP 185: How To Improve Your Business Efficiency Without Wasting A Lot Of Money
- MSMP 184: How To Successfully Communicate With Your Remote Workers In A Virtual Team
- MSMP 183: How Do You Improve Employee Motivation Without Doing a Lot
- MSMP 182: Quickly Decrease Your Team’s Incompetence by Simply Tracking Productivity
- MSMP 181: 5 Proven People Management Skills That Start-Up Business Owners Are Ineffective Of Doing
- MSMP 180: How Do You Change And Create A Great Company Culture?
- MSMP 179: 8 Fail-Proof Business Success Factors That Make Money
- MSMP 178: The Most Often Overlooked Personal Development Opportunities Risking Your Business Goal
- MSMP 177: When is delegating effectively most successful?
- MSMP 176: You Won’t Believe How Small Business Operations Can Be Greatly Affected By Remote Team Communication
- MSMP 175: Easy To Follow Business Alignment Tips For Your Small Business Success
- MSMP 174: Use This Recruitment Tip to Improve Your Hiring Process
- MSMP 170: Does your workplace culture cause your business to fail?
- MSMP 168: How Mission-Driven Leadership Achieve Faster Growth
- MSMP 164: Learn How To Build A Huge Network For Your Small Business
- MSMP 163: 3 Leadership Traits That You Need To Have To Avoid Leadership Failure
- MSMP 162: What Are You Missing Out on Networking Today
- MSMP 161: 2 Important Content Marketing Strategies That Works But You’re Not Doing!
- MSMP 160: What Is Successful Delegation In Real Estate Operations
- MSMP 159: Stop Making This Networking Connection Mistake Today
- MSMP 158: Save So Much Money By Following 3 Steps To Better Your Employee Engagement & Retention
- MSMP 157: Why Your Employees Are Not Empowered The Way You Want Them To
- MSMP 156: How Your Fear of Hiring Younger Employees Delays Business Opportunities
JULY 2022
- MSMP 155: Can social media marketing usage have a pressing effect on your entrepreneurial leadership?
- MSMP 154: What Is Self Development In Leadership?
- MSMP 153: How Recruitment Can Become The Most Important Management Skill You Will Have
JUNE 2022
- MSMP 152: How Do I Increase Employee Retention? Learn How Your Work Culture Affects!
- MSMP 151: Turn One Cleaning Service Business Into Multiple Businesses!
- MSMP 150: Reduce Your Attrition Rate Using This Leadership Technique!
- MSMP 149: How To Achieve Business and Profit Growth? Achieve It With A Free Growth Plan Today!
- MSMP 148: Increase Your Revenue By Doing This Sprint Strategy!
MAY 2022
APRIL 2022
- MSMP 146: Andrew Venture on Financial Delegation Importance to Staff Delegation
- MSMP 145: Julia Starzyk on Effective Communication for Effective Management
- MSMP 144: Skye Barbour on Building a Team to Grow a Sustainable Business
- MSMP 143: Louise Ledbrook on Reaching Your Goals with Rules and Boundaries
MARCH 2022
- MSMP 142: Jessica Eastman Stewart on Systems that Support Management to Manage Teams Effectively
- MSMP 141: TaJuanna Taylor on Learning from Other Leaders and Mastering Your Skillset
- MSMP 140: Todd Kuckkahn on Focusing on Your Purpose and Revolutionising Corporate Leadership
- MSMP 139: Dr. Erika Michalski on Showing Up As Your Authentic Self and Investing in People
- MSMP 138: Melissa Maulini on Business Scaling, Hiring Right, and Onboarding
- MSMP 137: Dana Kaplan on Self-Awareness Impact on Leadership and Management
- MSMP 136: Tarush Aggarwal on Asking Better Questions and Using Data to Your Advantage to Grow Your Business
- MSMP 135: Chris Templeton on Authentic Management Practice and Leadership
- MSMP 134: Tomer David on Automation’s Influence in Managing People
- MSMP 133: Kison Patel on Being Decisive and Solving Problems Effectively
- MSMP 132: Jennifer Braganza on Hiring and Building Teams in the Digital Age
- MSMP 131: Tasneem Ali on The Power of Authentic Leadership Presence and Harnessing LinkedIn for Hiring Great Staff
- MSMP 130: Eric Spencer on Leadership Development and Relationship Management
- MSMP 129: Tony Jalan on Sales Expertise and His Unique Approach In Scaling Teams
- MSMP 128: Lincoln Kokaram on Building Relationships with Your Team and Management Development
- MSMP 127: Paul Rodney Turner on Social Entrepreneurship and Building Confidence and Turning Your Mind into Your Best Friend
- MSMP 126: Sinead Kearns on Sharing your Ideas and Starting a Business from Scratch
- MSMP 125: Sheri Miter on Finding your Strengths and Creating a Well-Rounded Team
- MSMP 124: Donald Kelly on Planning and Managing Your Time Effectively in the New Normal
- MSMP 123: Emil Goliath on How to Keep You and Your Business Healthy and in Top Shape
- MSMP 122: Renata Porter on Understanding and Communicating with Your Employees
- MSMP 121: Itai Sadan with the Right Chemistry in Hiring Employees
- MSMP 120: Mark Grainger on Communicating and Making Connections in Relationships and Businesses
- MSMP 119: Joseph Fung on Finding the Right Fit for Your Business
- MSMP 118: Allan Milham on Making an Impact as a Leader
- MSMP 117: Michelle A. Mercier on Facing Adversity and Building Resilient Teams and Unlocking The Power of Habits and The Right Mindset
- MSMP 116: Jo Rawbone on Harnessing the Power of Introverts and Flourishing in the Workplace
- MSMP 115: David Gaines on Making a Social Impact with Coffee and Creating a Company Culture
- MSMP 114: Maya Middlemiss on Scaling Your Business to be Remote-First and How to Be Happy and Healthy When Working from Home
- MSMP 113: Julian Goldie on Creating Effective Processes and Hiring Freelancers
- MSMP 112: Julia Collins on Servant Leadership
- MSMP 111: Stacy Owen Johnston on The Pursuit of Happiness and Finding Your Authentic Self
- MSMP 110: Simon Kardynal on Honesty as his Foundation of Leadership and Communication
- MSMP 109: Andrea Overend on Building Teams and Hiring the Right People
JULY 2021
- MSMP 108: Ryan Shekell on Building and Cultivating Relationships
- MSMP 107: Richard Matthews on Building Systems and Working Remotely
- MSMP 106: Erin Young on Picking Your Niche and Simplifying Your Business
- MSMP 105: Karena Calhoun on Finding Your Purpose and Leading People
JUNE 2021
- MSMP 104: Carrie Cardozo on Management and Effective Communication
- MSMP 103: Ceri Hurford-Jones on Hiring the Right People and Teaching Skills
- MSMP 102: Navin Jaitly on Providing Value to your Sales and Service People
- MSMP 101: Pablo Gonzalez on Networking and Discovering Positive Black Swans
- MSMP 100: Jeremy Lunnen on Training and Developing People to be Leaders
MAY 2021
- MSMP 99: Lindsay Sutherland on Helping Your Employees Grow
- MSMP 98: Dr. Heather Williamson on Having the Right People to Achieve Your Vision
- MSMP 97: Nicolene Elhadad on Having a Super Team to Help Your Business Grow
- MSMP 96: Justin Varuzzo on Putting Customers First
APRIL 2021
- MSMP 95: Ravi Sharma on Growth-Focused Entrepreneurship
- MSMP 94: Alain Hunkins on Asking Better Questions
- MSMP 93: Jonathan Baldock on LinkedIn Tips
- MSMP 92: Isaac Smith on Team Dynamics
MARCH 2021
- MSMP 91: Lindsay Tjepkema on Growing in a Pandemic
- MSMP 90: John Vuong on Becoming an Entrepreneur
- MSMP 89: Jesse Jackson on Team Communication
- MSMP 88: Timothy Colson on Trusting Your Team
- MSMP 87: Phil Drinkwater on Team Building
- MSMP 86: Mark Herschberg on the Career Toolkit
- MSMP 85: Genesis Amaris Kemp on Diversity and Equality
- MSMP 84: Mark Webster on Hiring Practices
- MSMP 83: Matt Diggity on Better Management
- MSMP 82: Martin Ebongue on Building a Team
- MSMP 81: Jeroen Corthout on Building a SaaS
- MSMP 80: Effie Parnell-Hopkinson on Team Management
- MSMP 79: Alex Zuev on Intercultural Management
- MSMP 78: Chris Wilson on The Arts Online
- MSMP 77: Tonya Sowles on Employee Engagement
- MSMP 76: Esbe Van Heerden on Operations
- MSMP 75: Tim Brown on The Right People
- MSMP 74: Ryan Stewart on People Scaling
- MSMP 73: Liam Martin on Time Management
- MSMP 72: Slawek Czajkowski on Building an SEO firm
- MSMP 71: Jan Cavelle on Scaling and Development
- MSMP 70: Greg Gibas on Remote Work
- MSMP 69: Nick Jordan on Scaling Up
- MSMP 68: Jocelyn Kopac on Company Culture
- MSMP 67: Zachary Pritchard on Communication
- MSMP 66: Zsofia Banyai on Automation and Outsourcing
- MSMP 65: Zuzana Dobro on Problem Solving
- MSMP 64: John Di Giacomo on Internet Law
- MSMP 63: Adam Anderson on Growing Your People
- MSMP 62: Andy Allaway on Managing Teams
- MSMP 61: Jade Green on Intentional Scheduling
- MSMP 60: Sofie Couwenbergh on Content Creation
- MSMP 59: Harry Morton on Hiring Creatives
- MSMP 58: Amar Ghose on Failing Forward
- MSMP 57: Stewart Townsend on Staying Focused
JULY 2020
- MSMP 56: Neel Parekh on Change Management
- MSMP 55: Henry Daas on The Codfish Life
- MSMP 54: Beth Miller on Making Better Hires
- MSMP 53: Ronnie Teja on the Entrepreneurial Operating System
- MSMP 52: Marquis Matson on SEO Marketing for Start-Up Businesses
JUNE 2020
- MSMP 51: Ghilaine Chan on Ownership and Smooth Communication
- MSMP 50: Todd Palmer on Growing Businesses
- MSMP 49: Byron Morrison on Mindset and High-Performance Consulting
- MSMP 48: Austin Bollinger on Goal Setting and in Making Every Day A Massive Success
MAY 2020
- MSMP 47: Rocky Romanella on Developing People as Leadership Legacy
- MSMP 46: Michael Tanner on Leadership Development
- MSMP 45: Matt Mower on Software Navigation Business
- MSMP 44: Quentin de Pret on Collective Intelligence and Participatory Management
APRIL 2020
- MSMP 43: Jason Long on Goal Alignment and People Management
- MSMP 42: Viola Eva on Sustainable Digital Entrepreneurship
- MSMP 41: Erick Rodriguez on Remote Management in times of COVID-19
- MSMP 40: Dane Maxwell on Great Deals Businesses
- MSMP 39: Damian Thompson on Redefining Sales
MARCH 2020
- MSMP 38: Jerry Abiog on Maximizing Artificial Intelligence Platform for Marketing
- MSMP 37: Kieran Browning on Business Process Optimization
- MSMP 36: Frank Agin on Scaling Networking Connections
- MSMP 35: Dr. Mark Wade on Virtual Summit and Online Strategy
- MSMP 34: Ludovic Vuillier on Effective Sales Framework
- MSMP 33: Adam Sinkus on Creating Culture Driven Relationship
- MSMP 32: Brent Zahradnik on Learned Interests to Entrepreneurial Success
- MSMP 31: Carrie McKeegan on Effective Hiring and Management
- MSMP 30: Andrew Steven on Building Solutions
- MSMP 29: Melinda Byerley on Priorities and Management
- MSMP 28: Christine Gouchault on Moving Forward and Creating Momentum
- MSMP 27: Ray Blakney on Goal-Driven Management
- MSMP 26: Laura Roeder’s Unique Take in People Management
- MSMP 25: Karl Kangur on Changing Roles of People Management in the face of Digital Marketing
- MSMP 24: Michael Bereslavsky of Domain Magnate on Business and People Management
- MSMP 23: Mark Luckenbaugh: How to Make Your Investment in Management Worthy
- MSMP 22: Anfernee Chansamooth on his Management Growth Journey
- MSMP 21: Rob Te Braake on Managing your Business Cashflow SMARTLY
- MSMP 20: Vincent D’Eletto on Effective Workflow and Operational Procedures
- MSMP 19: Terry Kyle’s take on How Innovation Pushes Us More
- MSMP 18: Monique Lindner on Performance and Optimization
- MSMP 17: Chris Jankulovski on Leadership from the Core
- MSMP 16: Kris Reid on Management: Focus and Consistency
- MSMP 15: Josh Patrick on Successful Business Leadership
- MSMP 14: Chris Prefontaine on Values Based Management
- MSMP 13: Gregory Elfrink on Management and Employees First
- MSMP 12: Wayne Richard from Bean Ninjas on being Visionary and Coaching Leader
- MSMP 11: Noel Andrews on Time and Communication
- MSMP 10: Daniel Chabert on Autonomy & Empowerment
- MSMP 9: Dom Wells on Empowerment and Management
- MSMP 8: Davide Rossi on Culture of Continuous Feedback
- MSMP 7: Maj Wismann on Personal Management
- MSMP 6: Julio Monzon on Culture Driven Leadership
- MSMP 5: Kurt Philip on Vision & Results-Driven Management
JULY 2019