My guest for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is the ambitious introvert Tasneem Ali. Tasneem is an authentic leadership coach at Fervent Living. As an ambitious introvert herself, Tasneem loves helping her fellow introverts grow in their way while growing in their career by creating an authentic leadership presence.
Most of the time, new business owners will hire people in their likeness or those who resemble their personalities and traits in one way or another. While this may seem like an excellent way to get the ball rolling, it can create problems later on, mainly if a conflict arises in the company or workplace; this can lead to severe issues with your staff and even investors if not checked. However, to win at having the right team, one has to hire right, and in doing that, one has to understand what they are as a person, what kind of people you work well with, and who you are looking for.
While there are tons of ways to look for people, whether it’s using a recruitment agency to look for potential employees or looking for them by yourself, but regardless of what method you will be using, winning at hiring the right people is by making sure you get your write down your job description clearly and what kind of people you want for the job. And since we are dealing with people, we should also treat our employees as human beings.
Business owners tend to have a rather unhealthy obsession with themselves and only care about their business, thus neglecting their people because they can be easily replaced. While investing in your team members can be time-consuming, the rewards you will reap will be great.
Spend time to identify your employees’ strengths by either a.) taking strength-finder tests, b.) asking them because people generally know what they are good at or what they are interested in, and lastly c.) observing working closely with them.

Key Learning:
- Tasneem says that an essential step in winning or getting things right is by hiring the right people – 01:30
- Tasneem says that when hiring right, one should understand who they are, what kind of people we work well with, and who you are looking for. – 02:08
- While experience is an essential requirement, Tasneem adds that business owners and managers should look beyond the CV of potential employees and look at their characteristics and see if they can work well with you and who you are looking for. – 02:16
- Mads says it’s not just about hiring someone good but also understanding what fits you as an individual and understanding the role. – 03:50
- Tasneem says that when building your network, business owners should join associations and trade bodies that are relevant to your business because not only will you be updated with the latest trends and information in your niche but because you will quickly get recommendations of people who you can work with – 09:05
- Mads shares how he uses LinkedIn to his advantage when traveling. He reaches out to people by opening his LinkedIn and messaging random people in the area he is visiting. He adds that this has allowed him to meet great friends and allies who he will likely never meet if he didn’t reach out at all. – 10:17
- Tasneem says that business owners should foster an environment where employees are committed to working where they feel that they belong and contribute to the success of their organization. – 16:08
- Tasneem talks about how people are not giving feedback well; she builds a strong team because she is very open and forward. But how we deliver feedback should also matter to allow a shift in people’s mindset. – 19:35
- Mads says that the value of a company is in its people, and the more you increase the skillset of your people, the more valuable your company has, the more your company’s worth increases, the more you will have happier clients. – 22:33
- Tasneem says that business owners should put people first because when you put people first, they put your business first. – 22:42