MSMP 164: Learn How To Build A Huge Network For Your Small Business

In the past episodes, I’ve talked about ways on how to build your network! And this week’s guest and episode is slightly different from what we used to have on the pod. Today, Louis and I will discuss how to build your network, narrow your niche, and how the mentioned actions made a huge network for Louis’ small business!

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Are you struggling to grow your network in your small business, too? As with other episodes about networking, Louis and I shared what worked best for us and our businesses which you might gain some insights on! Tune in and discover how your small business can build a huge network! 

Listen to this week’s show and learn:
  1. Why doubling down on what you are good at matters;
  2. The power of delivering value and showing up in building your network;
  3. Are the basic ways of getting clients no longer working?  
Episode Resources:
  1. Louis Goodman
  2. Love Thy Lawyer Podcast
  3. Mads Singers Free Management Training
  4. Join Mads Singers Management Group
Enjoyed Mads Singers’ podcast? Check out these: 
  1. #36: Frank Agin on Scaling Networking Connections
  2. #101: Pablo Gonzalez on Networking and Discovering Positive Black Swans
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