MSMP 101: Pablo Gonzalez on Networking and Discovering Positive Black Swans

Welcome to another episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast. Today, Pablo Gonzalez joins us.

Pablo is the host of the Chief Executive Connector Podcast, an expert and specialist in networking, and a good friend of mine. Pablo and I sat down together to discuss how many business owners and managers don’t utilize networking a lot which causes them to miss out on meeting incredible people. Today, Pablo and I will pave the way for business owners and managers to learn how to use networking to their advantage and make the right connections for their business or companies to flourish.

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While entrepreneurship is hard, it can become easier along the way when you have the right people who share the same energy and vision as you. It’s not something where you can do certain things and wake up as a millionaire or billionaire (now that would be the dream!) because even if you have a plan in place, things don’t always go their way which can distract you from your goals if you get sidetracked or fail.

As we talked further, Pablo and I discussed some strategies on networking and how business owners can leverage. One of the essential aspects we discussed is the importance of living in the present – meaning that one should show interest when showing up in an event or meeting people; put your phone in silent or set it to Do Not Disturb and enjoy the moment. Then, go around and talk to people!

Msmp 101 Pablo Gonzales

Another thing Pablo shared is, although meeting new people may seem daunting at first, especially if you are new to a particular place or country, it can be beneficial for you later on because that person can change your life. That person can call you up later on and still remember that you made them feel valued.

Key Learning:
  1. Pablo shares that the best way to build relationships and networks is by adding value and being genuine to the people you meet. – 4:24
  2. Pablo shares his secret when it comes to connecting with people. – 6:00
  3. Pablo then adds that people will remember how you made them feel. – 9:05
  4. Mads shares his tactic of approaching people in a crowded venue. – 16:21
  5. Mads shares that he keeps his phone on silent because he believes in living at present. – 17:35
  6. Pablo says that it’s essential to ask questions whenever you’re having conversations with people. – 27:00
  7. Pablo shares that the best way to recruit someone is when you hear them talk about something else or care about something else other than themselves. – 32:04
  8. Pablo says that the most influential people in your town are usually board members of many non-profit organizations. – 32:27
  9. Mads says that the advice you give should also be the advice that you are taking or following. – 36:24
  10. Pablo says that one right introduction can forever change your life but you need to be open to it. – 41:05
Resources Mentioned:
  1. The Black Swan:
  2. The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Connect with Pablo:
  1. The Chief Connector Podcast
  2. Email
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Website
  5. Facebook
  6. Instagram
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