MSMP 22: Anfernee Chansamooth on his Management Growth Journey

I am amazed at how much more there is to learn about management and have always subscribed to the view that as a leader, personal growth is a lifelong journey. As each of us paces our way through it, personal transformation allows organizational transformation, and personal transformation allows management growth.

My good friend Anfernee Chansamooth joined me in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast to impart his management journey and how he has grown so much from being a Maker to now, Manager of his own business.

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Anfernee Chansamooth is a content strategist, copywriter, and speaker. Anf is on a mission to help entrepreneurs launch, grow & optimize their location-independent businesses so that they can enjoy true freedom.

Anf loves to travel and explore the roads less traveled in life, relationships, business, and sustainable living with his amazing wife, Cindy. Together, they co-host the Founders Connect podcast and Remote Business Summit.

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Anf upholds what he calls Triangle of Management, which involves three things:

  1. People,
  2. Understanding Self; and
  3. Understanding Effective Communication.
Msmp 22 Anfernee Chansamooth
Key Learning:
  1. Anfernee Chansamooth Management Philosophy – 2:46
  2. Leadership Transformation Impact – 14:30
  3. Management Journey and Growth – 30:45
Golden Nugget:
  1. Resources Allocation – 24:45
  2. From Maker to Mentor – 33:48, 50:44
Resources Mentioned:
  1. Wealth Dynamic Test
  2. Financial Systems Training
Connect with Anfernee Chansamooth on the following online handles:
  1. Founders Connect
  2. Founders Connect Facebook group for Entrepreneurs Building Remote Teams
  3. Linkedin
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