Chris Templeton is joining me on today’s Mads Singers Management Podcast episode. Chris has been an entrepreneur since the late ’90s. Since 2003 he has opened an online marketing firm and shares how his stepmother gave him the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Because of Chris’ exposure to the book, he formulated 3 (three) questions and a model that allowed him to help people become more self-aware of themselves quickly. Because it is universal, it enabled Chris to understand why people behave the way they are and act in a manner that serves everybody.
Unlike most roles, management can be tricky because nobody knows what bad management is. After all, we are not aware of what we are doing and why most of the time. Although not a therapist or psychologist, Chris has made it easy to understand. That makes it easy for everyone to know where you are and where other people are and how to move forward that serves everybody.
Our first management gig is usually our first failure because of our pre-mature perspectives. Business leaders and managers should be able to communicate with everybody effectively because this can influence the behavior of our staff and the people around us.
Communication is critical in many aspects, whether in relationships, business, school, or even your family and friends. However, if you want to work with others and manage other people, you need to communicate effectively. However, communicating effectively isn’t being taught in most schools.
Although it may seem daunting at first, management is a skill just like anything else. Once you understand what you are doing and how to do it, you will appreciate it much more. When you know how to do the basics right, you will enjoy doing it more. This becomes more fulfilling when you have a team that will help you every step of the way.
As managers and business owners, we have the power to create passion in the lives of our staff. However, we must look at how we use our language and what we are saying to deliver and execute our message correctly. The answers you are looking for are correct in front of you, but to receive that answer, you will need to be ready to choose what feels suitable for you and what’s authentic for you.

Key Learning:
- Chris shares how his stepmother described a concept in The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. He discovered that we are often driving ourselves crazy in certain parts of our lives rather than external forces. – 01:19
- Because of our skewed experiences about management, usually from our parents, Chris says that many potential and future managers struggle with managing their business or staff properly. – 06:23
- Mads says that when you want to work with other people or manage other people, it’s all about communicating well. – 07:19
- Chris says that when we start to communicate authentically, we behave differently. – 09:22
- Mads says that if something isn’t going in the way you want to, rather than put the blame on others, you should work on yourself to make it better. – 10:20
- Before going off to an employee or giving feedback, Chris says managers should use his model and ask themselves if their story is serving them at that very moment. – 12:14
- Chris shares a quote from Viktor Frankl, “Between stimulus and response, there is a space, and in that space is our power to choose our response, and in our response lies our growth and freedom.”- 17:06
- Mads says that when you set up an excellent management system or when you first build something that is super solid, management education, for the most part, happens naturally. – 22:21
- Mads continues that people or companies that don’t develop and promote their staff internally tend to hire more people from the outside, making a wrong impression on your existing staff because they no longer see a future in your business. – 24:34
- Chris says that when you realize that you can create passion in people’s lives by being authentic, you will see a great magnitude of indifference, but to do this, you need to look at how your language with what you are saying and how you are saying your message. – 30:15
Resources Mentioned:
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- The Work of Byron Katie
- The Honesty Project Playlist