Joining me in today’s episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Louise Ledbrook. Louise is a Productivity Specialist, High-Performance Executive Coach, Innovator, Speaker, and Author. She loves helping people transform their lives to achieve their goals in life or their business by fulfilling their dreams.
As pointed out by Louise, distractions are the number one cause of stunted growth in businesses. Still, it is not always the fault of the business leaders and managers, but rather it is because most of them are not equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage or know the tips and tricks. This often sets many business leaders and managers to fail. And with how society is made up today, where many of us are constantly on our phones, we are constantly bombarded with beeping notifications. We tend to lose our way from important work that needs to be done.
The illusion of being available makes us unproductive, causing us to get fatigued over time. Not everything needs to end up on your to-do list, but rather learn to set rules and boundaries to be more productive in both your personal and work life. While we all have our tasks to work on, we need to remind ourselves if it will actually be moving the needle to help us accomplish the goals, we set for ourselves, or are we simply making ourselves look busy? To do this, we need to constantly remind our brain subconsciously to work on the critical tasks we need to achieve our goal; learn to delegate the small and mundane tasks you have on your plate to someone else and be amazed at how much more you can accomplish!
Organizing doesn’t need to be complicated by doing small things because it makes you do something intentionally. This helps you become more productive, feel refreshed, and think more clearly about the next day and your upcoming tasks. We must constantly choose ourselves for it to happen and have boundaries to be more intentionally productive.

Key Learning:
- Louise’s goal is to help business owners get their shit together without sacrificing their lifestyles- 02:30
- Louise says that many businesses don’t scale because leaders and managers don’t have adequate time management. – 03:32
- Mads shares that he likes to keep his phone silent so that he won’t get distracted and will get work done. – 04:54
- Mads say that it’s not about the hours we work but rather the output. – 06:57
- Mads says, if you’re sitting doing things that could be done by someone getting paid, half of what you are born, you are significantly wasting company resources and, more importantly, actually hindering company growth. – 10:34
- Louise shares her simple system where she organizes her day the day before to make her more productive. It can take her as little as 10 minutes to plan out her day. – 15:18
- Louise says it’s essential to have blocks of time to do purposeful and uninterrupted work rather than stretch it for eight or ten hours and not get anything done. – 21:18
- Doing little things such as preparing your workout clothes at night or preparing food the day before will help you become more productive by getting more things done. Removing those small decisions by being organized is a big one. – 22:53
- Louise says it’s vital that we learn to say no to things that are not related to our goals- 24:00
- Louise adds that it’s essential that we choose ourselves and have these rules and boundaries. – 27:16
Resources Mentioned:
- The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
- Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport