MSMP 140: Todd Kuckkahn on Focusing on Your Purpose and Revolutionising Corporate Leadership

Joining me in today’s episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Todd Kuckkahn, a keynote speaker, executive coach, and fellow DiSC practitioner.

Although Todd has had several experiences under his belt, it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that he decided to take the leap of faith and become a full-time entrepreneur. Much of Todd’s work involves aiding, developing, and creating businesses; he was also a high school basketball coach, where he also taught in high school and even in colleges. Although entrepreneurship can be quite a challenge, it has its highs when you seal the deal with a client and its lows when you question yourself if you can eat next month. The rewards that you can reap are worth it! It’s not always set in stone because some may become an entrepreneur early on while others may have it later in life, but regardless of when you will be taking that leap of faith, it’s essential to keep in mind the lessons you pick up learning along the way.

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While there are apparent differences between big corporate companies to small and medium businesses and startups, regardless of where you belong, it’s essential to stay focused on your purpose and why: What’s the reason behind it? Why are you doing it?

I cannot stress enough how important communication is because often, when high-performing managers or anyone on your staff starts performing poorly, it could be they have problems at home. Instead of waiting around for things to worsen, it’s essential to approach them and help them get them back on track.

One of the easiest ways to do this is with the use of DiSC in your workplace or organization; this allows you to discover a person’s communication style and meet them halfway rather than dragging them through the mud.

We are all bound to make mistakes. However, because we have self-awareness, we now know what to do in the future to avoid repeating that mistake. But to know oneself, one must practice what they absorb from reading books or listening to podcasts, and these don’t happen overnight! These habits take time, so allow yourself lots of room for improvement.

Be mindful of what you are feeding yourself, regardless of its platform; rather than binge-watch a show, you can spend that time exercising or reading.

Msmp 140 Todd Kuckkahn
Key Learning:
  1. Mads says that he has observed that most teachers make good managers. – 01:32
  2. Todd says that being an entrepreneur doesn’t need to have a timeline. To some, it may happen when they are as young as 22, while others may achieve it later in life. – 03:36
  3. Drama and conflict will always be part of the business, your family, and even your relationships. Still, Todd says that conflicts can be a good thing when you know how to handle them, and that’s why he says that you must have your base value and continue to build on that and develop your communication skills. – 05:39
  4. Todd adds once you develop your communication and people see that you’re an honorable person because you live up to your values, then the trust grows, and by trusting each other, you can have constructive conversations around that conflict because the faith is there. – 06:04
  5. Mads says that people don’t understand people who are different from them. That is why he advocates the importance of learning about DiSC and applying it in life or your workplace. – 10:36
  6. In building your company culture, Todd shares his 3-prong mantra: Dream Big, Know How to Have Fun in the Work Place, and Get Stuff/Work Done. – 15:13
  7. Todd recommends reading as a tool for personal development, whether by yourself or within a company, that you can then use and relate with people by having conversations. – 17:50
  8. Taking a cue from Simon Sinek, Todd shares how exercise and love are similar because you don’t instantly fall in love with somebody, but rather it’s a process when taking on a partner. – 21:59
  9. Todd says that we all make mistakes, but we must have self-awareness so that we won’t repeat that mistake in the future. – 23:22
  10. Todd says that it’s vital for business owners and leaders to detach themselves from their business and nurture relationships with people, regardless of whether it’s done over a Zoom meeting or in person if they are nearby. Have an inner circle where you can discuss your challenges so they can help you solve them- 27:08
Resources Mentioned:
  1. FISH! philosophy
  2. I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King
  3. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (10th Anniversary Edition by John C. Maxwell
  4. The Five Dysfunctions of a TeamA Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
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