Today’s guest in the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Lindsay (Hauptman) Sutherland!
Like myself, Lindsay had an early headstart in her career (she had her start in the automotive industry) but also had to learn many things the hard way, but because of this, Lindsay was able to have and live the life she wanted however, to achieve this, Lindsay had to make some drastic changes like relocating from another state (some people have commended her, while others called her crazy because relocating meant moving at a slower pace in life) and giving up a lovely house.
Lindsay also shared how her parents died at a much younger age and weren’t able to retire, and because of this, Lindsay didn’t see herself working all her life, thus prompting her to follow her desire in life.
Starting young in management, Lindsay shares how she struggled at first because she didn’t have a mentor to guide her; however, Lindsay was eventually able to find her niche and live the life she always wanted. We also touched on minimalism and how freeing it is not to own so many material things; you can simply pack your stuff in your backpack and be on your way to the beach or another country.
Lindsay and I shared some insights into how business owners can be friends, colleagues, and bosses with their staff while maintaining professionalism.
Key Learning:
- Lindsay says it’s important to follow your burning desire – 3:34
- Lindsay stresses the importance of being able to express yourself – 9:40
- Lindsay shares an anecdote where she was helping a colleague who unexpectedly got pregnant; while Lindsay gave her grace, her colleague filed for unemployment and said terrible things about her. This experience led Lindsay to put up boundaries. – 7:52
- As a manager, Lindsay saw herself more of a servant for the people rather than the “end-all, be-all” or the “big kahuna” – 10:32
- Mads says that it’s essential for business owners and managers to figure out who you are as a person and find out what works for you when dealing with people.. – 13-51
- Mads would instead take the risk of people, especially when making new connections, friends, or relationships, rather than avoiding getting hurt. – 19:53
- Mads says that people should let go of the fear of things not working out.- 22:05
- Lindsay likens the relationship between a manager and an employee to a one-sided relationship because managers need to be “on” all the time. You’re being watched all the time, and sometimes you don’t even feel human. After all, it would be best if you were positive most times because the people around you can feel a sudden shift in your energy. – 23:19
- Mads adds that managers should always put their best foot forward and be their best selves because their energy can affect their staff; however, it’s okay to take some time off to refresh yourself. – 25:35
- Lindsay says that it’s essential that we manage our expectations so that we wouldn’t end up disappointed or upset in the event things fail. – 30:11