The effects of COVID-19 came as a shock to everyone. A lot of organizations have turned to new work-from-home policies to keep employees safe while at the same time following the rules rolled out by the government.
Fortunately, the impact for businesses wherein working-from-home became a norm is less vulnerable, but by “less vulnerable,” it does not mean that these businesses are not exempted. People Management just became a little more creative.
Erick Rodriguez, the founder of Virtuous Imports, joins me in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast to talk about his successes at a young age and how efficiently he handles remote management, most importantly in today’s pandemic.
Erick Rodriguez is a 25-year-old Colombian-American who resides in Manila, Philippines. Erick’s expertise includes working with virtual assistants and e-commerce. He had over 40 Filipinos and 2 Americans working for him.
Erick shares how his views about People Management in effect impacts positively in today’s pandemic. Erick subscribes to the belief that for the set up to work positively, “effective communication” plays a considerable role in sustaining business continuity at the same time getting everyone on board.

For Erick, Remote Management requires a unique approach to every employee, considering that the business set up entails a lot of intricacies.
Key Learning:
- Erick Rodriguez’s General Insights about Remote Management in times of COVID-19 – 1:13
- Erick Rodriguez’s Critical Team Dynamics – 12:36, 16:08
- Erick Rodriguez’s Shares Unique Expertise on Remote Management – 19:59
- Erick Rodriguez’s on People Management – 24:11
Resources or Applications Mentioned:
Connect with Erick Rodriguez on the following online handle(s):
- E-mail: