MSMP 180: How Do You Change And Create A Great Company Culture?

Sara Sheehan joins us in today’s episode! Sara and I talked about one of the most common topics around people management, which is having the best company culture. Is there such?  Sara puts it – company culture’s foundation is supported behaviours. And this came from her years of experience from a human capital perspective. Sara highlights, though, that … Read more

MSMP 179: 8 Fail-Proof Business Success Factors That Make Money

This week, I am speaking to Daryl Urbansaki, who spent years doing Meta-Analysis to finally study at least – on a scientific basis the ultimate key success factors in business that make money across the board! These business success factors are the ones you would want to take a list on!  Key factors in small business … Read more

MSMP 177: When is delegating effectively most successful?

Delegation has been a core topic, you know, I am very passionate about. So, I am super thrilled to have NaTandya Dowell, in today’s podcast episode as we discuss the pitfalls of delegation of work and why delegating effectively as a small business owner can be very hard! It’s known that a lot of solopreneurs turned into entrepreneurs have difficulty … Read more