MSMP 65: Zuzana Dobro on Problem Solving

Management is ultimately about problem-solving. Oftentimes those answers aren’t readily apparent because humans are involved, and they are definitely more complex aspects of any problem! Today’s guest for Mads Singers Management Podcast, Zuzana Dobro, is someone who, like me, likes solving these human problems. Zuzana helps entrepreneurs think transformationally. She’s spent over a decade consulting … Read more

MSMP 64: John Di Giacomo on Internet Law

While the Internet has created so many new opportunities for building business and creating revenues, the realities of the traditional business world have not disappeared. In fact, with legislation like FATCA and GDPR now in place, it’s more important than ever to have access to a legal mind who understands the digital world. John Di … Read more

MSMP 63: Adam Anderson on Growing Your People

Believe it or not, even when you’ve grown a business to a level that allows you to step away, business owners struggle to do just that. It’s a good problem to have, but even better, it’s a problem you can deal with if you are willing to make some important changes. Today’s guest for Mads Singers … Read more

MSMP 62: Andy Allaway on Managing Teams

It’s one thing to manage a team of 2-3 that grows to a team of 5-6. It’s entirely different to go from managing a team of 10 to a team of 30. My guest for this episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast, Andy Allaway, is someone who has done precisely that for the juggernaut known as Empire … Read more

MSMP 61: Jade Green on Intentional Scheduling

Behind every successful entrepreneur is some kind of routine. It doesn’t mean that it has to be a very elaborate one or one that checks off every single box recommended by the gurus. It just means that you have an anchor that helps guide your day. My guest for this episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast, Jade … Read more