MSMP 60: Sofie Couwenbergh on Content Creation

Some years ago, you may have had to convince people that content marketing was useful, or even more importantly, that they might need it for their own businesses. That’s not the case anymore. Content truly is king in this era of the internet, and even the search engines have learned how to (mostly) parse the … Read more

MSMP 59: Harry Morton on Hiring Creatives

It’s a golden age for podcasts. They deliver news, drive lead generation and marketing, and feature long form conversations on every subject under the sun. Our guest for this episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast is someone who lives and breathes in that podcast world, Harry Morton. Harry is the founder of Lower Street, a podcast production agency … Read more

MSMP 58: Amar Ghose on Failing Forward

A lot of people have read Tim Ferriss’ The Four Hour Work Week. Many of those have gone on to try to live, in some part, the lifestyle of the digital nomad that Tim champions in that book. Of those, few have persevered beyond their first failures to one or more successes. That lesson, the lesson of … Read more

MSMP 57: Stewart Townsend on Staying Focused

One of the most important lessons I consistently preach in my courses and with my private coaching clients is having the right people in the right place for the right reason. Most of us lack the management skills to make a correction when necessary and end up costing themselves, their teams, and their companies a lot of time. On … Read more