MSMP 8: Davide Rossi on Culture of Continuous Feedback

In any company, one of the most fundamental relationships is the connection between the leader and the follower, which highly depends on the leader’s management philosophy and exchange of feedback. A healthy bond by way of conducting one on one can produce efficiency and productivity, whereas a reliable connection can be detrimental to organizational success in … Read more

MSMP 7: Maj Wismann on Personal Management

Actions of the leader affect the way employees behave at work and management style; at the end of the day, we are all social beings; hence, we feel connected and impacted by our personal feelings manifested in the way we act towards others in one way or another. In this podcast episode, we are joined by no … Read more

MSMP 6: Julio Monzon on Culture Driven Leadership

Joining us in this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Julio Monzon, COO of Monetizemore. He describes himself as a holistic thinker who empowers other leaders by capitalizing on organizational culture. Building a unique and dynamic business today is a challenge and Julio banks on the trust of his employees and the culture established. He knows, for one, … Read more

MSMP 5: Kurt Philip on Vision & Results-Driven Management

Vision and management style establishes the tone, affects the results and the company work culture, which are necessary fuels to everything that a company does. In an ideal world, employees who become accountable, who are results focused, who self-identify, and collaborate with their team thrive. When exemplified, clients and businesses thrive as well. In this … Read more