MSMP 43: Jason Long on Goal Alignment and People Management

Joining me in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast is the CEO and Founder of Tangent Solutions, JH Media Group, BrainLeaf, and Sensible Surveys, Jason Long. Jason Long is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in business building. His businesses include Tangent Solutions, which owns a portfolio of software services, product services, and outsourcing companies. Likewise, he also owns … Read more

MSMP 42: Viola Eva on Sustainable Digital Entrepreneurship

Sustainable Digital Entrepreneurship may vary from one entrepreneur to another, and that’s OKAY. In a world of possibilities presented by new media and internet technologies, its success may be measured through a lot of ways and methods. Joining me in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast is an SEO Strategist and Founder of Flow SEO, Viola Eva. Viola Eva runs … Read more

MSMP 41: Erick Rodriguez on Remote Management in times of COVID-19

The effects of COVID-19 came as a shock to everyone. A lot of organizations have turned to new work-from-home policies to keep employees safe while at the same time following the rules rolled out by the government. Fortunately, the impact for businesses wherein working-from-home became a norm is less vulnerable, but by “less vulnerable,” it … Read more

MSMP 40: Dane Maxwell on Great Deals Businesses

Passionate about building businesses that would exemplify his wealth, Dane Maxwell truly exemplifies how he can make great deals with the businesses that he has so far ventured into. Joining us in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast is no less than, Dane Maxwell, owner of a low-multi million dollar SaaS business and an author himself. Dane’s journey started when … Read more

MSMP 39: Damian Thompson on Redefining Sales

In essence, business is equivalent to generating revenue alongside its all-other essential components to succeed. Damian Thompson, Founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Salesability joins me in today’s episode of Mads Singers Management Podcast to tell us how he redefines sales in this age and time. Damian Thompson is the co-founder of the company called LeadFuze and, at the same time, the … Read more